ERC-20 Token Tax
Token tax breakdown for $KABOSU INU ERC-20.
Tax on each transaction via AMM/DEX
1% Buy 1% Sell
At $KABOSU INU, we believe that collecting a tax of 1% on both buys and sells is a critical aspect of ensuring the long-term success and growth of our platform. This tax collection serves as a way to fund ongoing development and maintenance, allowing us to continually improve and enhance the platform for our users. By collecting this fee, we can invest in the infrastructure, technology, and resources necessary to maintain and grow our platform, ensuring that we remain at the forefront of the industry.
Furthermore, this tax collection is a key component of our commitment to responsible and sustainable operations. By collecting fees from transactions, we can ensure that we have the resources necessary to operate and manage our platform in a responsible and transparent manner, while also providing valuable services and support to our users.
Overall, the tax collection at $KABOSU INU is a critical aspect of our platform's success and growth, and is designed to benefit both the platform and its users in a general sense.
Last updated